Friday, July 18, 2014

PiYo Invitation--- I can only accept 10 People to journey with us starting This Monday!

piyoresults, piyoinstruction, certifiedpiyoinstructor, piyomealplan, piyomeals, piyorecipes, piyoresults, piyosupport, piyotransformation, piyoaccountability

I've had a shoulder injury the last few weeks and I KNOW how summer goes! We work so hard to try to feel at least decent in our summer clothes just to have Vacations, BBQ's and Parties throw us out of Whack! So what happens? Fall comes, School starts and we are like--- WHAT???? Did we do???
I'm looking for TEN people to JOIN ME!
PIYO came out a few weeks ago and the success people are having is AMAZE! We'll workout daily TOGETHER & help keep each other going while following a similar meal plan!  Not sure what PiYo is? Check THIS OUT!

This is a BRAND NEW program released last month! As one of the first coaches to become PiYo certified  in Chalene's new baby--- I can tell you that this is a GREAT program!  This also means I KNOW what's UP!  I am a PiYO Certified Instructor and I can HELP YOU!
I'm looking for 10 challengers (and only 10) that want to take on the challenge with me and shed major body fat and gain muscle using their own body weight- LOW impact. HIGH intensity= WEIGHT shed and no harm to your joints!
If you have injuries or your body isn't as flexible as it used to be, then this is the program for you. It is flexibility in motion. You body can't sit in one spot as you stretch and your body needs to be flexible to decrease injuries, young or older. This program will do that for you. No more injuries and a amazing body from it? Why not!!
You will receive:
-PiYo workout program
-A customized meal plan focusing on REAL food
-A 30 supply of Shakeology
-Daily accountability partners
-1-on-1 coaching from me
-PiYo graduate gear (upon completion)
Do you think PiYo isn't for you? Or maybe you would like something of a different speed? Then let's chat! Let's find YOU something PERFECT for YOUR goals! So far not everyone is not doing PiYo! It's about YOU!
We are going to work through a program that will have you feeling smoking in 21 Days - 60 days! We are going to work through a nutrition plan that will have you feeling energized and looking better every day!
What you can expect:
A 60-day fitness program proven to work
a 30 day supply of a dense dose of nutrition that will keep your body functioning optimally.
A meal plan that will keep you burning fat and building muscle.
Around the clock support from a team of coaches who will not let you fail.
Around the clock support from a team of other men/women on the same mission as you are on.
RSVP. I am only accepting 10 Challengers this July! Fill out the application to the right of my blog to apply! Feel free to invite a friend or family member, it's always fun doing it together!

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