Thursday, July 17, 2014

Don't get discouraged because of a setback! Be encouraged!

#encouragement #accountability #lookahead#discouraged #setback #yougotthis #makeithappen #21dayfixtransformation #21dayfixmealplan #piyomealplan #piyorecipes #weightloss#itsajourney

Am I crazy I love frog crunches?? 

So today in my challenge group we've had a few people who have rocked their challenges going through a job loss, vacations Etc. So they maybe had an off week or two but each of them during this time has still made the effort and still done way more than they ever would have. For Our new challenge Monday a couple of them are partnering up to be held accountable now that this week or two season is over for them! Prayers have been answered and not only did our unemployed teacher get a job offer she got THREE!! God is so good! 

As they were excited to start our new challenge and saying how they've been off but all the sudden they will see themselves and realized they've still changed! This reminded me to encourage them and say yes ---regardless of setbacks , the key is you've changed your never going back to that place---and life is going to happen you're going to have a bad week or two ---but now you will get back up !! The best thing when you're feeling like you haven't given 100% is realizing how far you've come !!! I have related to that this month with my shoulder problem, it was so freeing to know what the problem was and what I could do about it! Exercise has taken on a new meaning today-- as I still am at my lowest weight and haven't gained any through this few weeks ---I truly thankful for how far I've come, Discouragement did not get the best of me !! just call me the #modqueen !!! 

If anyone would like to join us Monday we are here to support you and help you achieve the same amazing feeling in a few weeks!! Have you been discouraged or experienced a setback? Now is you're time!!!

Fill out the application on the right side of my blog--- or message me on facebook at  ---whether you'd like to join us or just need encouragement!! #lookahead#discouraged #setback #yougotthis #makeithappen #weightloss#itsajourney

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