Challenge Groups


What Works?
I am passionate about helping YOU find the accountability and success I have through eating clean, Shakeology and working out consistently!  Although I have enjoyed the gym, learned from Trainers and Nutritionists; sometimes life changes and things become overwhelming, or we just need a change.
It goes from what we know to who we are.  A group of people there to support you, befriend you, offer daily accountability, and answer questions for you can be the missing link!  Whether it's recovering from an injury, feeling in a "funk", going through emotional stress or wanting to learn more about clean eating and fitness.
I'm here for you!  Contact me and we can chat about how I can help support you!
Come Along side me in a Journey of Success!  Change the way you think, feel and act for the better of yourself, your family and your LIFE!

Get Fit! Get Spunky: Feel Energized-Healthy, Despite Adversity
On with the Journey,
Jen Zakaras 


Independent Team
Beachbody Coach

 602 750 0374

#encouragement #accountability #lookahead#discouraged #setback #yougotthis #makeithappen #21dayfixtransformation #21dayfixmealplan #piyomealplan #piyorecipes #weightloss#itsajourney

Am I crazy I love frog crunches?? 

So today in my challenge group we've had a few people who have rocked their challenges going through a job loss, vacations Etc. So they maybe had an off week or two but each of them during this time has still made the effort and still done way more than they ever would have. For Our new challenge Monday a couple of them are partnering up to be held accountable now that this week or two season is over for them! Prayers have been answered and not only did our unemployed teacher get a job offer she got THREE!! God is so good! 

As they were excited to start our new challenge and saying how they've been off but all the sudden they will see themselves and realized they've still changed! This reminded me to encourage them and say yes ---regardless of setbacks , the key is you've changed your never going back to that place---and life is going to happen you're going to have a bad week or two ---but now you will get back up !! The best thing when you're feeling like you haven't given 100% is realizing how far you've come !!! I have related to that this month with my shoulder problem, it was so freeing to know what the problem was and what I could do about it! Exercise has taken on a new meaning today-- as I still am at my lowest weight and haven't gained any through this few weeks ---I truly thankful for how far I've come, Discouragement did not get the best of me !! just call me the #modqueen !!! 

If anyone would like to join us Monday we are here to support you and help you achieve the same amazing feeling in a few weeks!! Have you been discouraged or experienced a setback? Now is you're time!!!

Fill out the application on the right side of my blog--- or message me on facebook at  ---whether you'd like to join us or just need encouragement!! #lookahead#discouraged #setback #yougotthis #makeithappen #weightloss#itsajourney
imperfect, setbacks, inspiration, never give up, unashamed, get real, inspire
I absolutely love this!  
One of the greatest things I've learned with My journey with Beachbody is to continue, don't lose heart through injury disappointments or imperfections.  Move on and don't give up. Just be real and encourage others! 
My challengers right now are blowing me away and literally make my day each and every day, so thankful for their inspiration; you know who you are!  If you would like to be a part of my next Challenge group starting Monday message me at or fill out the application to the right of my blog!!  We have an amazing group going and I couldn't be more proud of their results!!

I am feeling a little strange... this is an off week for my challenge groups and I am missing them already! Feels so weird --already went to post a couple things by habit! I guess that just builds my anticipation even more for my Killin it in 21 days group that starts next Monday June 23, 2014!!! Just created the group and seeing this post from a friend of mine got me stoked!!!!
" OVER 18 POUNDS!!! thats how much one of my AMAZING challengers lost in only 21 days with the 21 day fix! and NO its not a starvation diet- its just good ol fashion clean eating and exercise made SIMPLE and EASY TO FOLLOW, with daily SUPPORT AND ACCOUNTABILITY! This is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE challenge groups so much!!!! "
What I LOVE about this program is it's easy, it works, no calorie counting just portion control, real food, wine, chocolate, real life....30 minutes a day for workouts and they DO NOT hurt your knees or body in any way! I feel amazing on this program!If you'd like to be a part of this amazing group and give it 21 days Fill out the application on the front page of my blog and I will fill you in!!! #results #21dayfix

I can't stress the "before" pictures enough! 3 weeks into Chalene Extreme I was having a bad day and thought, ok... I've lost 8 pounds right now but am I really that different? So I took my picture for the heck of it and was absolutely stunned at the difference. The scale told me 8 pounds but the pictures shocked the heck out of me! 8 pounds doesn't sound like much but it was a BIG difference! Without my photos I wouldn't have my proof! The before photo IS your inspiration 3-4 weeks down the road and your fuel to not give up! I ended up losing a few more and then during Christmas my goal was to stay the same, and now it's that before and after that keeps me inspired to keep going! 

Here is another challenger comment from my Holiday Survival Challenge Group, and this was OVER Christmas!:
"So, I was really putting off the 30 day pictures because I didn't feel like enough was happening, but yesterday I did it and am really surprised by the comparison! I didn't think I would post my before pics EVER but I actually feel proud of what I have accomplished in such a short time! So... here it goes! This is my before and "now", because I still have farther to go on this journey, but I feel encouraged! Thanks Melanie Mitro and everyone in the group because you doing your part helps to keep me focused!"
They make ALL the difference!

All my challengers make sure and really do it! You can keep it to yourself but get it done...!!! you'll be SO glad you did! Just when 2-3 weeks down the road you need a kick in the pants, the nightmare of the "before" will be a gift to yourself, the gift of inspiration! Or like me, absolute Shock 

Need some inspiration?  Watch this!  Absolutely LOVE IT!

Are you a goal person?

 I certainly am in my head, but then my stomach flutters and I get a little nervous.  I guess you would say I'm one of those people that is afraid I might fail.  I might even say I don’t believe I could succeed?  So my style is to JUMP in and go crazy, not sure what I'll hit but hope I get somewhere.  I realize this isn't the most productive way of achieving things, often it works for me because I work hard and don’t give myself time to think of failing. 
In my mortgage business I am "success by accident".  Yes I work very hard, my mom always said, if you are working hard and treat  people right the paychecks usually come.  Don't give yourself time to worry about the money.  With the ups and downs of being paid all commissions looking back I've been blessed.  I treat people how I want to be treated, truly care about the end result for my customers, see them as people, and always tell the truth and communicate with them.  That's not meant to be a brag post but it's how I've run my business.  My customers come from referrals.  However as much as I would like to say " I will do this per month etc."  That's hard for me.  I just know when I'm slow to get out and do something about it. 

One of my favorite things I have learned from my challenge groups and being a Beachbody coach is that Goals are not scary.  They are something to shoot for, but they are changeable.  I 've always thought if you made a goal and then you didn't meet it you were a failure.  You didn’t make the grade.  You weren’t good enough.  That is not true.  The goals I make for myself this year today are a plan for me, but that doesn't mean life may not change and my goals may need to be reevaluated.  However it is sure fun to see people reach their goals and even surpass them!  For the first time I feel like I can have goals, and it's exciting!  I know this is what I want to accomplish, but it takes away the fear to know it's ok if they don't occur as long as I did my best.  The important thing is I took the risk to have a goal, put myself out there.  Without something to shoot for life definitely will not change, but with it, I just might achieve my Dreams!

I am very close to meeting a goal I have made for my Beachbody business.  I initially was stressed out about this once I confidently put it out there to my coach.  Then I realized that although that is my goal, my first goal of helping people is always the main priority.  So if it doesn't happen but I did what I could to help those who needed me and provide opportunity, then I still met my goal.  It's sure fun to try though!  How about you?  Do you have any goals you want to put on your dream board this year? 
Would you like to be part of a challenge group that helps you with not only your goals, your whys of doing something, but eating clean, getting healthier and overall feeling better about yourself?  Our challenge groups have amazing results in helping people look better, but I have seen SO many more results that inspire me from people changing health problems in 30 days to emotional changes.  Every time I think I'm crazy posting goofy pictures of my journey, I read another life touched  by the willingness someone had to go out of their comfort zone.  It's time to do it!  You can spend the rest of your life safely attached to the place you are, but the risk of putting yourself out there is so much more worth living! 

What do you have to lose?  
Join us January 6!  
Message me on facebook or email me for details...  

I am here to provide information and when you are ready---I'm here!  

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