Thursday, March 20, 2014

Unexpected Moments--- The beauty of Not Giving Up

So this isn't a boast post or about pride or about looks meaning everything. As you all know if you've been paying attention in our challenge groups it's about the heart first. It's about the inside out! 
but today was a cool experience and in my little moment I had to share... Because it's too important not to. I am passionate about helping people feel just like this moment.
Those little unexpected moments of surprise that take you aback ..(Spelling?). 
You see I used to stop at this Frys after I had my surgery with my husband in my wheelchair after we dropped off the kids at school.
We would get a cup of coffee before we went home to work, was kind of a fun time with us when he had to work from home with me. #amazinghusband
of course with all the water I drink I always have to use the restroom--and as my surgery progressed and summer happened the appearance in the mirror got worse and worse and worse. Not that I was being vain but a full-length mirror on the wall you kind of can't help miss yourself even if you want to.
Today I happened to glance over---and I saw someone so different than the last time. 
I remember feeling so sad because I love to Have energy for my husband and kids, be my spunky self.
I'm not perfect I'm not the perfect size, but to feel healthy and energized and feel like myself--- regardless of what size I am or Where I am at and where I am on the scale or how far to go.... These moments are what it's about. Sharing these moments with you in order that someone else might share these moments with their family is what it's about. I don't think I'm amazing I'm just thankful.

21 Day fix let's keep it going!

 ‪#‎happytears‬#getfit ‪#‎getspunky‬‪#‎onwiththejourney‬#transparent#Godtoldmeto#hardtodo#thankful

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chicken Fingers and Fries, HEALTHY QUICK DELICIOUS- 21 Day Fixed Approved Recipe! MOM, KID, AND HUBBY APPROVED!

Chicken Fingers and Sweet Potato Fries w Asparagas
21 Day Fix APPROVED!

This is my addiction!  We usually have it twice a week!  It's SOOO good and SOO healthy and KID APPROVED!  They gobble it down!  Here is the recipe:
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time:  45 min total
21 DAY FIX CONTAINERS:  1 Red 2 yellow 1 green 1/3 blue
PRE HEAT OVEN TO 400 Degrees
Sweet Potato Fries
UnRefined Organic Coconut oil 2 TBSN
2 pounds Sweet Potatoes
1 teas Black Pepper and 1 teas Himalayan Sea Salt
Cayenne Pepper for flavor and spice, please note... if you don't like spicy skip it or use chili powder instead
Cut up the fries like so :
Toss in the Coconut Oil and seasonings, mix well

I put a little coconut oil on a pan as well and spread them out on the pan after seasoned :
Bake for 40-45 minutes, we like them a bit crispy :)

Chicken Fingers:

1 pound or a little over of chicken.. this was 1.33 (now we like to make 2 pounds to have leftovers)

I like to buy the tenders so I don't have to cut them up but if you buy regular chicken cut into tenders. Put 3 egg whites in a bowl and make the bread crumbs.  The amount of bread crumbs below is for around 1 pound or a little over so double if doing 2 pounds or over.
Bread crumbs:   
1/4 cup fresh parmesan cheese
4 slices ezekial bread toasted, cooled and ripped up
Seasonings... I sprinkle lots of Italian seasoning, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Onion Granules

Blend in a higher powered blender like a Vitamix or a food processor to make the crumbs.

Dip the chicken in the egg white, then the bread crumbs and place in a glass dish and again I rub a little coconut oil on the dish to prevent sticking and create a nummy crisp.  It's a way to get my daily portion in ;)

Bake in the oven with the sweet potatoes for 30-35 minutes again depending on how crispy you would like!

Finished!   Add some steamed asparagus or green beans and VOILA!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Meal Plan Example; 21 Day Fix-- Do I look Hungry?

I was up Sunday Morning after my night out completely not in the mood to do this but guess what?  It has to get done, otherwise I don't have a start date!  It's always nice to know Monday is a day to begin anew.. rekindle the fire and go for it!  I know after a night out it would be tempting to let it go.... return to the old me and just relax, but I told myself... this only takes 20 minutes!  I am on the 21 day fix round 2 and am loving the progress so the results are truly motivating!  

I'm a fly by the seat of my pants person myself so I get that meal planning is not a favorite.  What I have found though is if I take the time to at least make a plan and have the food... even if I have to switch it around when life gets crazy, which it will--- I still succeed!  I try to have the food shopped for but even if I don't have time for all that on a particular weekend, I always make sure I have the next 2-3 days and nights covered so I am not forced to eat out.  Then I think in my head of my schedule and think at least there is such and such day or time I can stop by the store again.  I also tend to be a creature of habit during the day to make it a little easier for me.  I vary the meals each night so my family doesn't go bonkers... and typically we end up with a leftover night in there somewhere.

I namely shop Trader Joe's and Sprouts, a farmers market here in Arizona weekly , Costco biweekly.  I occasionally go to Whole Foods for a few things I pick up there.  I'm not sure what type of grocery stores you have available in your area but this is the type of information we discuss in our challenge groups.  This is the menu I shared for my group this week.  We all interact and share information and what works for us, help you find the right products, and help it work in your busy schedule!  We are all busy and last time I checked modern society wasn't going to slow down any time soon!

I want to challenge you to take this 20 minutes to at least make a plan, if that's all you get done initially fine.  I guarantee even that small step will make changes in your week, help you consciously have to THINK about a what you are doing and not be forced to grab takeout, eat out or eat something unhealthy because of the time factor.  This is a passion of mine because I have been eating clean for a long time but "time" always derailed my progress.  The unexpected and unprepared event that we know happens, so plan for it ahead of time!  I'm not a planner but these are the small steps I have made to make those big differences over time.  We no longer eat out unless planned, we eat healthy and I am constantly changing up my plan, but it's there and it works!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Rough Weekend got you off track? Are you struggling?

Getting that Monday Mindset Going! So we had a fun unexpected date night Sat night and I don't know about you but that ALWAYS seems to throw me off for a day, I mean... Yesterday I wasn't horrible, but I just didn't pay as much attention as I normally do to when and what I am eating. I ate all healthy foods but more relaxed about it, probably too many healthy carbs, and I will tell you--- part of it is because when you get used to healthy home cooked foods and then you eat out, my body definitely reacts a bit differently the next day! I just didn't feel the same! Plus Sunday is just kind of a day to roll that way.....The good news is, dates are fun, life needs living and I love these times because they always remind me why I do what I do, and after a day or so I am ready to get going and feel like I love to feel! Monday is a perfect opportunity for this and it really helped that I took the time to do my menu yesterday to make sure I got focused today! Let's rock the week! I am putting together my April challenge group focusing on our busy life, eating clean...exercise and how to get it done! Message me if you'd like to hear more about it! Time to Turbo Fire all OVER the place today! My cardio day, the perfect thing to WAKE ME UP and start the week out right 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Shakeology: Reviews, Testimonies, and WHY?

Why Do I Love Shakeology?  

I am a person that really has to believe in something, in fact I can't "sell" anything!  I'm just not that way, my internal ethics are too "picky" so to speak.  After meeting with an organic chemist and nutritionist a few years ago, her book is featured here:

I had learned so much about shakes, protein powders etc and realized 99% of them shouldn't be consumed, frankly they are JUNK!  When I wanted to do my challenge group part of the process was drinking Shakeology, I actually had a bag my friend had recommended to me that i had never drank and I also received the bag in my challenge pack.  I had chose VEGAN due to being all whole foods, plant based and a complete amino acid profile.  However I drank the Whey version I had on hand first and experienced these results as well; reduced sugar cravings, energy, vitality, and the biggest thing?  If I didn't drink it I REALLY noticed a difference!!!  Knowing that this didn't have added caffeine or anything other than vitamins and superfoods to make me feel this way made me know that there was SOMETHING to it and it HAD to be what they claimed!  

Then my husband started on a Monday.  He has had a thyroid issue for a few years and was tired ALL the time, to the point we were wondering if he would ever have energy again.  He started doing T 25 at the same time.  By FRIDAY!  FRIDAY!  5 days later he was bouncing off the walls so bad with smiles and energy my 9 year old Son had to ask what was up with Dad?  Wow, I want some of this Shakeology stuff!  Dad is happy, in a good mood... He feels good!  My husband was THRILLED!  On top of it?  He had quit coffee because Shakeology reduces your cravings and makes you not really desire things that are bad for you.  What NORMALLY happens to people who go off a few cup a day habit?  Headaches, lethargic?  NOPE, not HIM!   He GAINED ENERGY!  Previously he had to keep upping his Thyroid meds and it wasn't helping, they were going to do it again and now it WAS NO LONGER NECESSARY!  ALSO, Our doctor--Who is a D.O. and highly passionate about healing the body not just medicating it,  had recommended he take Niacin for very high particles in his heart that indicate a huge problem in the future in regards to cholesterol.  It was supposed to get them down and hopefully go back off of it.  Studies have shown that people who up and die from a heart attack have these high particles that do not show up in a typical test most Doctors do, he said 80% of the people that end up in the ER and die of a heart attack would have shown healthy the day before, this is why.  Guess what?
3 WEEKS, 3 WEEKS after drinking Shakeology we did another test.. he isn't great at taking medicine so had not been taking it.  No NEED ANY MORE!  NONE, ALL WITHIN NORMAL RANGE!  Mine was a little high too and I was already eating clean and exercising.. in fact was seeing a personal trainer for two months when the test was given that said I needed it.  Shakeology basically changed the fact that we needed medication.  The medication prescribed was for something very life threatening down the road!

Now I would like to give you a Testimony from my Challenge Kim who just finished my P90x3 Challenge Group 60 day Pictures.  She started Shakeology In November and the P90x3 test Group beginning of January.

She looks amazing of course but this is a post about a HEALTH Transformation, my Favorite Kind!  

From March 7 2014:

"I have a HUGE TESTIMONY! And also what I feel like is a MIRACLE for me. I have been fighting High Cholesterol for years!! My Doctor walked into my room and said "What have you been doing? You've NEVER had such a great blood report!" I told her, "Well I have a confession, I quite taking Lipitor the week of Thanksgiving." She was completely Blown Away! I proceeded to tell her about Shakeology & the Challenge Group. You see, I've been going to her for 24 yrs. I've always been athletic but I have a genetic/familial issue with Cholesterol and Bad Lipid Panels. Well, My Cholesterol went DOWN 20 pts!! Triglycerides DOWN 70 pts!! HDLs (the good ones) UP 22 pts & LDLs (the bad ones) DOWN 20 pts!! My dad died of a heart attack at age 54. I feel like I have literally put years on my life b/c I just reversed this WITHOUT the meds. She said I was a walking testimony for what was going on b/c the only real change in my life was the Shakeology. I had heard of others getting off Cholesterol meds and BP Meds from ShakeO. Well guess what? I'M ONE OF THEM!! NO MORE MEDS FOR ME!! PRAISE THE LORD!"! 

Also This: " Thank you for sharing my story!! I wish everyone understood the true depth of this. If you looked at me you wud never believe I had high cholesterol. I take after my dad's side of the family. He died young of a massive heart attack. Now he did smoke and drink which I don't. But his mom was thin and in good shape with high cholesterol and she had mini heart attacks in her 50-60s. I've been posting during this challenge that I feel like I've been transforming from the inside out. I really have been. I can feel it!!Yes my 60 Day before and after pics tell an amazing story but my blood work tells another. And that one is what is going to keep me alive!! I Thank God. literally, that my friend Jennifer Zakaras introduced this to me!! Oh gosh my eyes just welled up. I'm just so thankful!! 😊"

Another Response from the same post Audrey said " I believe in it too! I have type 1 diabetes and it's helped me to keep my blood sugar under control. Can't wait to see my next lab report!! Yes, it is nice being able to lose weight again after a 3 year plateau  but having excellent blood sugars is FAR more important. But I am happy I can lose weight again. I didn't think it was possible."

So These are the Things I am passionate about!  THIS is WHY I do what I do and believe what I do..... It's all in the Proof!  Lives are changing, years are being added for people to not only be there for their families but enjoy the time they have and QUALITY OF LIFE AND HEALTH is SO IMPORTANT!

I have a family of Diabetics and I should be one!  I am not because I eat clean and exercise and Shakeology has helped with So many things for me!  By diabetic I mean my Grandpa died from it at age 54, my Dad has Diabetes and my brother has it worse than him---- It is only by the Grace of God as well as my willingness to do something about it that I live an energetic full and VERY HEALTHY Life, REGARDLESS of the SCALE!  THIS IS WHAT MOVES ME!  

What is important to you?  A number on the scale or a TRUE LIFE CHANGE, something that Changes you for GOOD--- yes MOVES That SCALE, Not ONE person that has engaged in the group, Drank their Shakeology each day and overall got their workouts done has NOT moved on the scale or had their body change, depending on where they started--- but what about your HEALTH?  YOUR LIFE?  THIS is what MATTERS!  You have to decide what matters to you!  We are not about a "quick fix"... we are about a life time of RESULTS, you want to starve yourself and make yourself unhealthy because you're too lazy to do it right?  We aren't for you!  It takes WORK!  Work for yourself, your family and your body--- but MOSTLY your HEART.  We Are Making a REAL difference and THAT is why I stand behind not only my Challenge Groups but Beachbody as well.  It starts from the INSIDE OUT--- and if you aren't ready to CHANGE and GROW maybe this ISN'T for you!  We work HARD for our results!  We have ups and downs but we SUCCEED in the END. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Turkey Cabbage Dinner- Healthy 21 Day Fix approved Dinner!

 Turkey Cabbage Dinner

Someone posted a similiar recipe in one of my challenge groups and it looked really good!  I didn't have all the details so I thought I would share what I did, wow this turned out DELICIOUS!

24 oz of organic free range turkey
1 tbsn unrefined coconut oil
1 cup of brown rice 
1 onion
1/2 garlic cloves
1 small cabbage, chopped 
2 14.5 oz diced tomatoes
1 tomato paste (8 oz)
1/2 cup water
1 teas ground black pepper
1 teas pink hem sea salt

I cooked the rice separately so since it takes a bit more time I started that first in it's on pan.  I made 4-6 servings which is 2 cups water and 1 cup rice but you can make however many you would like in case you want to save extra for later.  It takes 50 minutes to simmer and then 10 minutes to sit with the lid still on.

Start Grilling the turkey in the coconut oil and this is where I add extra seasonings, I used Trader Joe's 21 seasonings, a little cayenne and garlic and onion powder.  I use organic seasonings for the most part without extra additives.

 I chopped up the onion and garlic and threw it in with the turkey and the seasonings and cooked it until done, no need to over cook.
 I transferred the turkey mixture to a pot and added the rest of the ingredients, simmered on low about 30 minutes.  This was perfect timing because that's about what the rice had left once I had all the ingredients added.

Covered while simmering.

Brown Rice is done!