Monday, March 17, 2014

Rough Weekend got you off track? Are you struggling?

Getting that Monday Mindset Going! So we had a fun unexpected date night Sat night and I don't know about you but that ALWAYS seems to throw me off for a day, I mean... Yesterday I wasn't horrible, but I just didn't pay as much attention as I normally do to when and what I am eating. I ate all healthy foods but more relaxed about it, probably too many healthy carbs, and I will tell you--- part of it is because when you get used to healthy home cooked foods and then you eat out, my body definitely reacts a bit differently the next day! I just didn't feel the same! Plus Sunday is just kind of a day to roll that way.....The good news is, dates are fun, life needs living and I love these times because they always remind me why I do what I do, and after a day or so I am ready to get going and feel like I love to feel! Monday is a perfect opportunity for this and it really helped that I took the time to do my menu yesterday to make sure I got focused today! Let's rock the week! I am putting together my April challenge group focusing on our busy life, eating clean...exercise and how to get it done! Message me if you'd like to hear more about it! Time to Turbo Fire all OVER the place today! My cardio day, the perfect thing to WAKE ME UP and start the week out right 

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