Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday Transformation; Lisa with Chalene Extreme and Turbo Fire!

#TransformationTUESDAY I am so excited to shout out my AWESOME Turbo Fire Accountability partner Lisa Connellan-Hamill today! She has done Chalean Extreme and is now doing Turbofire! Check out her amazing transformation!!!!!!  Without her last night would NOT of happened and I am up today to work it ;)  YOU GO GIRL!  And awesome choice of workouts, I must say---AND I'm getting ready to #Turbo40 and think of you!
I think for me its cool to see that REAL people REALLY do get results. It's not just someone in an infomercial where you question the results. I see it all the time, real stories, with a really heart felt reason why weight loss is a HUGE GOAL for them!
It's cool to see how scared people are to take those before pictures, but its worth it when they see that after picture and their CONFIDENCE and SMILE tells a totally AWESOME STORY!!!

It's about time for your AFTER picture right!!!!!  Way to go Lisa you rock!!!!! I can't wait to see the difference after Turbofire!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spicy Cheesy Popcorn; Clean Style!

Popcorn has been a favorite snack food in my family since I can remember!  When I was young my Dad traveled a lot and my Mom, Brother and I always had a big bowl watching the A Team (yes, this dates me).  Popcorn is actually a healthy snack given proper portions but unfortunately most of us consume it with high unhealthy fats and tons of pesticides and chemicals via Movie or Microwave popcorn.

In the book the Science Of Skinny by Dee Mcaffrey, my Nutritionist, she talks about being an Organic Chemist and finding that popcorn, also one of her favorite pastimes, was one of the most chemical ridden foods she had seen.

This means it is VERY important to buy organic popcorn.  She has a recipe in her book that I love and have put a twist on to make it fun, spicy and cheesy.


2 Tbsn Organic unrefined Coconut Oil
1/2 Cup organic popcorn
Braggs Nutritional Yeast for flavor (tastes like cheese)
Chili or Cayenne Pepper to taste (Chili for warm spice Cayenne for Spicy

Heat the Coconut oil in a large pan covered and put 3 popcorn kernels in until they start popping.  Once they all pop turn off the burner for 30 seconds.  Then turn it back on medium until all the popcorn pops, shaking at times to not burn (I often lift the lid a bit as well).  After it's all popped turn off the burner, open the lid and sprinkle as much nutritional yeast and chili powder or cayenne that you prefer!  SO GOOD!

T25 and P90x3 Sale almost OVER! Don't PROCRASTINATE!

Only 6 days left friends!!!

Remember those awesome new 25 & 30 minute programs T-25 & P90X3? Well the challenge packs are BOTH on SALE this month!!!! Whoop Whoop!!! If you've been wanting to try them out, risk-free, for 30 days, now's your chance to get them while the're on sale!

People have had great results from T25 over the past few months and I can attest to P90X3, it's a killer - 30 minutes and DONE!! I am loving it!

If your goal is to get in shape, get healthy, lose weight, or maybe just up your game and change things up…make a plan that will WORK for you. Think about WHY past attempts failed…was it hard getting to the gym every day? Workouts too long? Maybe you hated that unrealistic or "crash diet" you were on? No accountability or support? Or maybe you just don't know WHERE TO START??? Let's face it…you have to do both: 1) exercise & 2) eat healthy. But finding something that WORKS, that fits in your DAILY schedule, that is completely DOABLE…makes ALL the DIFFERENCE!

Can you find 25-30 min per day to workout & CHANGE YOUR LIFE?? ---> YES, YOU CAN!!! Email me for more information.  jenzakaras@cox.net

My Friday update!

Photo: Happy Friday!  A great day so far, I think I may have FINALLY figured out the right combination of workouts to do with my shoulder... YAYY!  The 10 minute stretch literally works all my wounded areas in a help not hurt way.  Today I made myself go to the firestarter class and learn the moves really well, me with my impatience loves the super high speed Turbo 30.  In the middle I was a bit frustrated with my lack of coordination and RIGHT at that time Chalene Says something to the effect of: You think you are uncoordinated?  You won't get this?  Those are just LABELS you tell yourself.  Don't use negative labels for yourself!! That's NOT YOU!  And it's not true, unless you convince yourself it is!  I was also starting to get them down and SUPER excited about it!  So remember, to feel accomplished and experience the joy of that it can't be easy!  Seriously AWESOME Takeaway from this morning and applies to ANY area of your life!  Make it a great day and tell yourself YOU CAN!

Happy Friday! A great day so far, I think I may have FINALLY figured out the right combination of workouts to do with my shoulder... YAYY! The 10 minute stretch literally works all my wounded areas in a help not hurt way. Today I made myself go to the firestarter class and learn the moves really well, me with my impatience loves the super high speed Turbo 30. In the middle I was a bit frustrated with my lack of coordination and RIGHT at that time Chalene Says something to the effect of: You think you are uncoordinated? You won't get this? Those are just LABELS you tell yourself. Don't use negative labels for yourself!! That's NOT YOU! And it's not true, unless you convince yourself it is! I was also starting to get them down and SUPER excited about it! So remember, to feel accomplished and experience the joy of that it can't be easy! Seriously AWESOME Takeaway from this morning and applies to ANY area of your life! Make it a great day and tell yourself YOU CAN!

T25, Health and Adversity, This brought me TEARS!

This brought TEARS to my eyes and is truly AMAZING! I still can't believe that in 9 25 13 she had brain surgery and by December achieved this with ONE round, 10 weeks, of T25 and Shakeology (superfoods).

I often hear from people that they don't have time to workout. Well here is a busy mom who too had little time for herself but with a 25 minute workout she made it happen. Talk about Adversity! Wow!

"My biggest challenge was my busy schedule. I am a single mom attending nursing school, and I had a hard time trying to fit in time to work out and prepare healthy meals. But 25 minutes a day with Focus T25 is totally doable. I am now able to go outside and play with my kid without getting tired, which is my favorite part. Now I have him chasing me, telling me to slow down." - Heather S.

Another key component for Heather's success was being a part of a challenge group. These groups help you push through the obstacles and encourage you when you need it most!!

What is even better than hearing about other's successes, is that You can do it too! Sometimes we need that extra motivation and support to finish or even get started. This is where I come in - in my health and fitness groups I can help you begin your very own success story. Jan 27th my next group begins - will you be joining?

Contact me at jenzakaras@cox.net for more information or to hold your spot in my next group!!

Baby Weight?

Have a shout out to Lindsay Adams! She completed T25 and lost 20 pounds in 60 days. She started 5 months after her baby was born! 25 minutes at home 5-6 days a week, clean eating and Shakeology! Congratulations

Nehemiah Had Fear, Do you?

"Nehemiah wasn't ashamed to admit his fear, but he refused to allow fear to stop him from doing what God had called him to do. When we allow our fears to rule us, we make fear more powerful than God. Is there a task God wants you to do, but fear is holding you back? God is greater than all your fears. Recognizing why you are afraid is the first step in committing it to God. Realize that if God has called you to a task, he will help you accomplish it. " 

More Prayer Less Fear!

"With little time to think Nehemiah immediately prayed. Eight times in this book we read that he prayed spontaneously." "Nehemiah could confidently pray throughout the day because he had established an intimate relationship with God during times of extended prayer."

Day in the Life of a Challenge Group!

WOOO! I just HAVE To share what I get to be a part of every day! Most of these are comments JUST from today, one from a day or two ago. This IS the missing link! I am VERY passionate about this because it WORKS! And it's SO life changing and FUN! Would you like some daily inspiration to eat clean? Lose a few pounds? Or just get healthier and feel better? This is it! Please Join us, I Have YET to have someone not glad they did! Message me, I just had someone text me and tell me they are so glad they reached out! I just really want to share this experience with anyone who is ready!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Spicy Lime Pepitas

These Pepitas are my secret ingredient to so many things!  You can use them to pack as a snack for a handful when you're hungry, top pasta, tacos or mexican flavor dishes or any other food dishes that lime and spice would maximize the flavor.  Of course last but not least, my favorite... salads.  They are SO good!

3 cups raw pepitas
4 limes
1/2 teas black pepper
1/2 teas cayenne
1 teas pink himalayan sea salt

I put the 3 cups of pepitas in a pan over medium and let them brown while I mix up the juice.
I stir often so they don't burn.

While they are cooking I mix up the juice, I use a lime squeezer to get the juice out easily and not waste.  Then I throw in the seasonings and mix it around.
 As the pepitas begin to brown and start to get done (I like them a bit crispy) I throw in the juice mixture and stir it around until well coated and no longer liquid.  Then I turn off the burner and let them sit on the stove stirring occasionally until dry.

I put them in a glass airtight container and store for salads, snacks and toppings :)

One thing to note:  Lime juice concentrate is not the same.  It has chemicals added.  I only use FRESH limes!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Friday night clean pizzas . A few of you wanted the recipe --- I'll add to my blog too. Ezekial pita, organic marinara, ground turkey seasonings and portobello, little organic mozzarella and pepper jack . Cook the turkey first, I then chop the mushrooms in with a chopper and put it together, put coconut oil on a baking sheet and bake 12 min at 400, crispy nummy and wonderful! Pizza night used to be my downfall.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One of my favorite quick easy bodybuilding recipes of all time--
Half a cup of oatmeal 
4 egg whites 
half a cup of cottage cheese cinnamon vanilla and half a banana----

blend cook in unrefined coconut oil serve with real maple syrup---can be rolled up thrown in a baggie and eat half as two meals it's even good cold, nummy!

Inner Strength Brings Outward Beauty

It's wonderful to eat healthy and exercise and feel good so we are better for our families and the people around us and ourselves. It improves our life so much and God wants us to take care of ourselves. However don't ever let the culture make you feel like you aren't worth it. That you aren't perfect enough or good enough. Often it's a low self-worth that gets us in the circumstance of being unhealthy to begin with. I tell my kids often before school remember to whom they belong, and that's where their security lies. nothing can separate us from the love that is in Christ! Nothing!! A good reminder today !#jesuscalling#romans8#healthy#bodyandsoul#jesuslovesyou#selfworth#heart#getspunky#getfit#getspunkyfit

Take your before Pictures!

I can't stress the "before" pictures enough! 3 weeks into Chalene Extreme I was having a bad day and thought, ok... I've lost 8 pounds right now but am I really that different? So I took my picture for the heck of it and was absolutely stunned at the difference. The scale told me 8 pounds but the pictures shocked the heck out of me! 8 pounds doesn't sound like much but it was a BIG difference! Without my photos I wouldn't have my proof! The before photo IS your inspiration 3-4 weeks down the road and your fuel to not give up! I ended up losing a few more and then during Christmas my goal was to stay the same, and now it's that before and after that keeps me inspired to keep going! 

Here is another challenger comment from my Holiday Survival Challenge Group, and this was OVER Christmas!:
"So, I was really putting off the 30 day pictures because I didn't feel like enough was happening, but yesterday I did it and am really surprised by the comparison! I didn't think I would post my before pics EVER but I actually feel proud of what I have accomplished in such a short time! So... here it goes! This is my before and "now", because I still have farther to go on this journey, but I feel encouraged! Thanks Melanie Mitro and everyone in the group because you doing your part helps to keep me focused!"
They make ALL the difference!

All my challengers make sure and really do it! You can keep it to yourself but get it done...!!! you'll be SO glad you did! Just when 2-3 weeks down the road you need a kick in the pants, the nightmare of the "before" will be a gift to yourself, the gift of inspiration! Or like me, absolute Shock 

What Can Shakeology Do For You? (+playlist)

Friday, January 10, 2014

This Princess is Tired!

It's been a rough week... Not because I'm worried about my problems, I always have those. The thing is, I value things that not all people do. Integrity is probably my #1. When you work in the corporate world we all know that you're going to put up with people that are not like you, but this is not an area I compromise. I get deeply affected by lies, manipulation and overall greed. If any of you know me well, I tell the truth to the point of nauseousness  
Although money is wonderful, I am motivated by other things. Things like loyalty, trust and accountability. A lot of people say this but for me it's really true. I seriously have a stubborn streak and will stick to my values over all other things. I always have, as a teenager this made me "rebelious" 

Even in my sleepless mental state, God has already began to reveal the reasons behind some of my disappointments this week, he protected me ahead of time instead of making me go through it. This is such a blessing and I completely see it. We are human so it still takes time to process. Since lately I feel like I need to go through EVERYTHING to learn, I am for sure thankful! However I am very tired!

What they say about sleep really does affect all that you do, lack of mental clarity, focused quiet time, emotions, patience, my workouts are harder, I'm eating right and not feeling that great, it really changes every area of your life. So for this Princess of the Lord Most High... today I am celebrating his loyalty. He is still there, and still protects me, even in exhaustion. This weekend I'm making sleep my daily baby step. It is hard to get back into routine when your body is out of whack!

Happy Friday!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Don't you just LOVE the weekends?! 
I know this is your time to get lots of things done around the house, places to go, people to see...but are you making sure you get those important tasks in too?
People tend to let certain things go during the weekend that they make a priority during the week. This has been a constant struggle for me. I am great during the week and in the past I would ruin my progress on the weekend!

If being in good health and shape is important to you, you cannot totally let it go on the weekends.. Although your nutrition is 80% and exercise is 20% of your results, you have to put 100% into your goals to get to your happy place!
Make it your priority to get in that workout before you get too busy that it is not important anymore. Make a plan for the things you have going on and stick to the cheat meals you have laid in place.
Make your goals and dreams a reality! It comes with dedication and hard work.. YOU CAN DO IT!!

What is the challenge group?