Friday, January 10, 2014

This Princess is Tired!

It's been a rough week... Not because I'm worried about my problems, I always have those. The thing is, I value things that not all people do. Integrity is probably my #1. When you work in the corporate world we all know that you're going to put up with people that are not like you, but this is not an area I compromise. I get deeply affected by lies, manipulation and overall greed. If any of you know me well, I tell the truth to the point of nauseousness  
Although money is wonderful, I am motivated by other things. Things like loyalty, trust and accountability. A lot of people say this but for me it's really true. I seriously have a stubborn streak and will stick to my values over all other things. I always have, as a teenager this made me "rebelious" 

Even in my sleepless mental state, God has already began to reveal the reasons behind some of my disappointments this week, he protected me ahead of time instead of making me go through it. This is such a blessing and I completely see it. We are human so it still takes time to process. Since lately I feel like I need to go through EVERYTHING to learn, I am for sure thankful! However I am very tired!

What they say about sleep really does affect all that you do, lack of mental clarity, focused quiet time, emotions, patience, my workouts are harder, I'm eating right and not feeling that great, it really changes every area of your life. So for this Princess of the Lord Most High... today I am celebrating his loyalty. He is still there, and still protects me, even in exhaustion. This weekend I'm making sleep my daily baby step. It is hard to get back into routine when your body is out of whack!

Happy Friday!

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