Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spicy Cheesy Popcorn; Clean Style!

Popcorn has been a favorite snack food in my family since I can remember!  When I was young my Dad traveled a lot and my Mom, Brother and I always had a big bowl watching the A Team (yes, this dates me).  Popcorn is actually a healthy snack given proper portions but unfortunately most of us consume it with high unhealthy fats and tons of pesticides and chemicals via Movie or Microwave popcorn.

In the book the Science Of Skinny by Dee Mcaffrey, my Nutritionist, she talks about being an Organic Chemist and finding that popcorn, also one of her favorite pastimes, was one of the most chemical ridden foods she had seen.

This means it is VERY important to buy organic popcorn.  She has a recipe in her book that I love and have put a twist on to make it fun, spicy and cheesy.


2 Tbsn Organic unrefined Coconut Oil
1/2 Cup organic popcorn
Braggs Nutritional Yeast for flavor (tastes like cheese)
Chili or Cayenne Pepper to taste (Chili for warm spice Cayenne for Spicy

Heat the Coconut oil in a large pan covered and put 3 popcorn kernels in until they start popping.  Once they all pop turn off the burner for 30 seconds.  Then turn it back on medium until all the popcorn pops, shaking at times to not burn (I often lift the lid a bit as well).  After it's all popped turn off the burner, open the lid and sprinkle as much nutritional yeast and chili powder or cayenne that you prefer!  SO GOOD!

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