Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sample Clean Eating Snack Ideas

21 Day Fix, Healthy Snacks, PIYO, Meal Planning

I know that one of the biggest struggles can be just coming up with a few simple snacks to have and bring with you when eating clean on the go!

The easiest way I do this is by having a lunch cooler to throw my snacks in with an ice pack so if I'm taking kids to sports etc I am ARMED and READY to Stave off the hunger that attacks when we get busy!

Clean Eating Snacks Ideas:

Apple Almond Butter or almonds
Celery with Peanut or Almond butter
Handful of raw mixed nuts, almonds or walnuts
Broccoli, cucumbers, carrots or other raw veggies w hummus
Greek Yogurt and Berries (I like mine with Vanilla Stevia and pecans--- NUMMY)
Chop an an orange and 3 dates... such a great treat! Like a Dessert!

Strawberries with a little sprinkle of raw coconut and cocoa powder and a teaspoon of raw honey
brown rice cake with peanut butter and raw honey
Hard Boiled Eggs and Banana
Mary's Gone Crackers and Hummus
Mary's Gone Crackers and an oz of Manchego Cheese (goat cheese---AHHHMazing!)
Healthy Pancakes I will make these and spread fresh fruit jam or maple syrup on top if I'm going to be gone awhile... it's even good cold and you can eat half for a snack or the whole thing!

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