Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fun Weight Loss Challenge

I wanted to give an update! I weighed myself today because I haven't for awhile and wanted a "starting point" for the fix and my eating clean this week--- plus with superbowl etc I was a little nervous about it. I was down two pounds from my low! So I already got to move 2 hearts from Funky to Spunky 

This is something I saw a month or so ago and have wanted to do it since, today I decided I wasn't putting it off any longer! So this is an example but many people use Marbles (I almost did). Someone else I saw used Nails for "nailed it" in T25. I went to the dollar store and got some fun things. For me... as I've been on this journey, a fun part is feeling like myself again... getting my "spunk" back, my personality! A fun inspiration for me is to once again feel fashionable, look like I feel on the inside, wear things I love---that are really my style. Feel like I can do a "hot" date night with my hubby and feel like it! I am fun, I am spunky.. and somehow I became an introvert these past few years! If you knew me you wouldn't think this was possible! I LOVE our challenge groups and the friends I've made because I realize a part of that was just missing friends. A fun assignment today is try to create some sort of goal for you, if you do not have a lot of weight to lose maybe it's how many times you work out this month, or maybe it's a health goal like how many times you bypassed soda or drank your shakeology... whatever it is try to create a visual! I am so excited to lose my first pound and put it in my FAB glass ! Bring on the heels! 

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