Wednesday, February 26, 2014

21 Day Fix 2 WEEK Update!

That Mandisa song is running around my head "it's a good morning". 13 days on the fix and I feel great! Have not been perfect with my timing this week but it helps me in those times still do the best with what I can! 
13 daysChest 
2.5 inches gone
Waist 2.5 inches gone
Hips 2.5 inches gone
7 pounds

Whew hoo! I really can't believe it, my results were so good the first week I thought this week I would just say the same and maintain those results! Lovin this and loving the 30 min workouts! It's still crazy to me how much more I used to work out and how my results were not nearly as good!  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

21 Day Fix Week 1

21 Day Fix Update:
Turbo Kicking ALLL over the house today! "Who's house, my house, who's house my house, who's in my house?" 
Fix Update: I told you I was excited on Friday! Since Monday on the fix, not quite an entire week...... a week in which I have had so much food to eat that I didn't always eat it all, a week in which I exercised only 30 minutes a day and had to pause the video a few times.... yet sometimes wondering if it was working because some days I didn't pilates....a week I had valentines night wine....and a little dessert. I had to do my inches today just for fun, because I decided inches were going to be my #1 measure tool....So here it goes:
Since Monday:
1.25 inches lost in my chest
1.5 inches lost in my waist
3/4 inches lost in my hips
5 pounds lost
Yes, I had Tim measure again to make sure... and I was already eating healthy and working out before! I am sleeping AMAZING! This is a really notable difference that surprised me! I can think of some very specific times the fix helped not only helped me eat what I needed to (sometimes I don't eat enough) but it also helped me make decisions I wouldn't have made. It also helps me make sure my nut/seed portions are not too much for the day but yet ensures I get my healthy fats in. Tuesday I had one meal packed but should have had two because I came home hungry and needed to eat... before I would have grabbed an apple or something healthy that was quick... instead I made a choice to make grilled veggies because I wanted to save those things for something later. Loving this Program! And I've measured everything for years.... this just really helps you focus on your nutrition at a deeper level in an easy way! Tim Zakaras also lost 4 pounds since Monday doing his T25---and a byproduct of my fix of course

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Your Body Needs Food!

I LOVE my mid morning snack, so NUMMY, 2 omega 3 eggs and steel cut oats w a dab of raw honey and cinnamon, all prepared on my prep day and ready to roll....
This is SOOO me!  If I don't eat throughout the day, and take care of myself..I am VERY affected by it!  I get grouchy, disoriented, I can't think.  Not everyone is like this, my hubby can go for hours, but regardless of your "hungry disposition" remember it's good to feed your body healthy nutrients throughout the day and keep your blood sugars level!  The biggest mistake people make is not take the time to have a plan--- so eating throughout the day even healthy things becomes grazing and snacking on too much of a good thing!  I am loving the 21 day fix helping hold me accountable on this!  
As a busy mom this happens to me all the time!  I usually keep almonds in my purse as an emergency, and still do.... BUT I am feeling amazing doing it this way!  I am filled with energy and so alert!  
I am also thankful my hubby is taking the time to eat several meals throughout the day----even though he doesn't feel it as much as I do his health has improved because of it and he does notice a difference!   When I met him he did not eat breakfast and had larger portions for dinner.... just by eating a healthy breakfast and watching his portions more at dinner he has never been the same size and that was 12 years ago he started those changes! (the little body for lifer in me couldn't watch him do that to himself) Yes he's fluctuated a bit with holidays etc but overall just that was a 25 pound permanent change!  Do NOT starve yourself!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fun Weight Loss Challenge

I wanted to give an update! I weighed myself today because I haven't for awhile and wanted a "starting point" for the fix and my eating clean this week--- plus with superbowl etc I was a little nervous about it. I was down two pounds from my low! So I already got to move 2 hearts from Funky to Spunky 

This is something I saw a month or so ago and have wanted to do it since, today I decided I wasn't putting it off any longer! So this is an example but many people use Marbles (I almost did). Someone else I saw used Nails for "nailed it" in T25. I went to the dollar store and got some fun things. For me... as I've been on this journey, a fun part is feeling like myself again... getting my "spunk" back, my personality! A fun inspiration for me is to once again feel fashionable, look like I feel on the inside, wear things I love---that are really my style. Feel like I can do a "hot" date night with my hubby and feel like it! I am fun, I am spunky.. and somehow I became an introvert these past few years! If you knew me you wouldn't think this was possible! I LOVE our challenge groups and the friends I've made because I realize a part of that was just missing friends. A fun assignment today is try to create some sort of goal for you, if you do not have a lot of weight to lose maybe it's how many times you work out this month, or maybe it's a health goal like how many times you bypassed soda or drank your shakeology... whatever it is try to create a visual! I am so excited to lose my first pound and put it in my FAB glass ! Bring on the heels! 

Monday, February 3, 2014



Lose 10-15 pounds in 21 Days!

I am SO excited about this Program!  This is EXACTLY what I and millions of other people totally need!  A short goal, fast results and take all the guesswork out of getting there!  This is simply simple.... YOU CAN DO THIS!  Busy, not busy... whatever your lifestyle is!  This will work for you!

You will be given a complete nutrition plan that you will be shown exactly how to use for you!   You will have easy portion control with these BPA free containers, each container is for a different healthy food group! This is NOT a starvation diet!  This diet is focusing on healthy foods, portion control, AND a 30 minute workout specifically designed for this program for each day!  On top of that, you can repeat it until as many times as you want until you hit SUCCESS!  How Great is that?

What You Get

21 Day Fix™ Workout Program
When it comes to losing weight, simplicity equals success. That's why 21 Day Fix gives you exactly what you need to see results fast. No complicated diet plans, and no hour-long cardio workouts. Just a simple program that really delivers.
Plus, you get the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan to guide you step-by-step through the entire program, the 21 Day Fix Start Here to help you see results immediately, the Dirty 30 workout, valuable 24/7 Online Support, and more.

Your 21 Day Fix program includes:

6 easy-to-follow workouts on 2 DVDs
Ready for a major calorie burn in only 30 minutes? We made these workouts short so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day. But that's no excuse for taking it easy. The workouts will challenge you at every level to help maximize fat loss. And there's always a modifier on screen to show you how to dial down the intensity without losing the benefits.
21 Day Fix™ Workout Program
  1. Upper Fix.Targeted resistance training helps shape your chest, back, shoulders, arms, and abs.
  2. Lower Fix. Firm and tone your entire lower body while you blast fat and burn calories.
  3. Total Body Cardio Fix: Keep your heart rate up and your metabolism revved high long after the workout is over.
  4. Cardio Fix. Get your heart pumping and your body moving as you melt away the pounds.
  5. Pilates Fix. Strengthen your core, elongate your muscles, and firm your hips and thighs.
  6. Yoga Fix. Improve your balance, flexibility, and strength as you help relax your muscles.
Your 21-day portion-control system
Forget about ounces, cups, and calories. These seven color-coded containers and Shakeology ® shaker cup deliver exactly the right portions every time, so you never eat too much, and you're never hungry. Fill them up with as much food as you want—if it fits, you can eat it!
21 Day Fix™ Workout Program
Plus an easy plan to help you succeed
21 Day Fix Start Here 
Start seeing results immediately! This quickstart guide and workout calendar shows you just how simple it is to achieve your weight-loss goals.
And 4 FREE BONUS gifts
21 Day Fix Eating Plan
This simple Eating Plan takes you step-by-step through the process and makes portion control so easy, you won't even have to think about it. Enjoy delicious, healthy food without counting calories, and watch the pounds fall off.
3 Day Quick Fix
Get beach-ready in 72 hours! This is Autumn's secret weapon for losing weight fast before a competition or photo shoot. Do it during the last 3 days of 21 Day Fix for mind-blowing "after" pictures.
Dirty 30 workout
4 rounds of fat-burning exercises help carve out a leaner, stronger physique.
24/7 online support
Get extra support and motivation from weight-loss experts and other 21 Day Fix customers.
Results guaranteed. Or your money back!
100% Satisfaction 30 day money back guarantee
We're going to let you try the entire program—the full 21 days—and if you don't get the results you want, simply send it back within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price (less s&h). Think about that. You don't have to wonder if 21 Day Fix is going to work. You get to finish the program and then decide if you want to keep it. That's how convinced we are that you're going to love your results.

I want to be your coach and help you reach the success my other challengers have!
My Exclusive Test Group Begins Feb 10th!  Please fill out a challenger application located on the home page of my blog and we can get going right away!  

Weekly Meal Plan, Healthy Fat Focus!

Happy Monday! 

My meal plan is done, YAYYY! 

I am focusing on healthy fats this week and I can't wait! I realized that I hadn't been eating as many healthy fats as I normally do. So this week I am experimenting! I will give an update on Friday and let you know how it goes! Also I live in Arizona and my skin is DRY so I thought this would help for this as well. My calories still fall within range, but I notice my body does better this way  How about you? What are some of your Favorite Healthy fats? Mine are unrefined organic coconut oil, avocado and Barleans organic flax oil.

Here is a quick list of healthy fats to add in your day:

 1-2 Tablespoon Unrefined Organic Coconut oil
2 servings of Omega 3 oil

Half to a whole avocado plus one other fat  
Nuts Seeds 1 portion

I usually have a portion of nuts/seeds once a day and then also use almond butter in my shake as my extra fat.

One thing to watch out for is TOO many nuts and seeds, you can still eat too many!  However we can have more than we think we can and the difference is amazing!

Your weight begins to fall off, your skin becomes clear and your eyes are bright!

Try it for a week and see what happens!