Sunday, July 26, 2015

The new Fixate Cookbook is here! Join my Slim after Summer Challenge Group and receive a free copy!

‪‎goodhabits, fitafterforty‬, ‎21dayfix, ‎hypothyroid‬, ‎endometriosis, ‎pcos‬ ‪, ‎diabetic ‪, ‎nutrition‬, cleaneating ‪, ‎fixate‬ ‪, ‎processedfree‬, vegan‬, dairyfree‬ ‪, glutenfree‬ ‪#‎healthyfocus‬

We just got the mail --😊 yippee! πŸ“¦πŸŽ‰
Perfect timing to fine tune my meal plan! I've been hoping they would come out with a cookbook for a long time! Autumn's recipes are always so simple and delicious!πŸ˜‹πŸ‘πŸΌ
Its awesome to have the container portions listed right along with the recipe! 
I can't wait to share it with you as well as introduce it in my challenge group that begins next Monday! I am already seeing some of the recipes and they look amazing!
21 day fix here we come😊 Would you like to be part of this special group to work on:
☑ starting or renewing good habits for the busy fall schedule
☑looking awesome for football season🏈 p.s. It's almost football season πŸŽ‰πŸˆπŸŽ‰πŸ˜‰ ‪#‎gohuskers‬ ☑ fall prep includes getting into the practice of preparing simple healthy meals
☑ getting back on track or beginning an exercise program after summer vacation
☑ most importantly !! framing a positive mindset and spending 30 days getting inspiration and motivation from a group of amazing people! I can tell you firsthand how truly important this is!
myself as your personal coach is here to help cheer you on πŸ‘πŸΌand be with you every step of the wayπŸ’ƒ πŸ’Ÿ spend the next 30 days with me in a private group ready to share ideas and motivationπŸ’Ÿ
Let's do thisπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’ͺπŸ’ 
message me for details
Oh-- how could I forget! πŸ˜†
I have's five spots left and I personally giving a fixate cookbook with each purchase of a 21 day fix or 21 day fix extreme challenge pack!
I want to enable you to rock this thing !! and give you the best tools available!😊😊
πŸ‘‘ I have yet to have a customer that participated and my 21 day fix challenge group that did not have success or regret their purchase! Give it a chance and see what all the fuss is about! πŸ’ I am incredibly excited to help you achieve your goals!
Whos in?

Please click on the link and fill out the challenge group application to the right to be considered.  There are 5 spots left!  Get started now so you don't miss out!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

It is Well With My Soul

 ‪#‎holyspirit‬ ‪#‎blessedassurance‬ ‪#‎healme‬ ‪#‎changeme‬ ‪#‎humbleme‬‪#‎peace‬ ‪#‎loveothers‬
What a beautiful morning with Jesus. 
So much perspective he's given me. I was looking back in some old notes from last fall--- and reading 1Thessalonians-- so many things spoke to me. 
I've experienced a time of growth in a way the last few months, or a time to grow from we shall say --as long as I Let God take over, isn't that always it? Putting him back on the throne πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»instead of me?
I always write everything down, thoughts, questions, it's how my brain processes, are you that way? 
I think it's not as common, my scattered notes to no end typically leave people smiling in confusion... But I always draw the arrows and word pictures that work in my own mind and it helps my memory and thoughts process. Even with Math I remember creating my own word problems for comprehension.
Rabbit trail: back to my point πŸ˜πŸ˜Š
It's crazy how you can quote things in your mind like "seek approval from God not Man" as life is rushing by, but until the Time is quiet and the Holy Spirit's peace and presence is felt, it doesn't register in my heart and change me.
This selfie is a moment not of narcacism but of freedom, in his peace, presence and life he gives me. Owning my imperfections and knowing my inside has to be beautiful and from him so that my outside can show Joy instead of hurt, anxiety , fear or confusion.

I am excited about this week, excited to renew my mind and body. It's timeπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜Š

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Clean Eats Brownies! You will NEVER guess what's in them!

#21dayfix #insanitymax30 #cleaneating #glutenfree #healthydessert #cleaneatingdessert


  • 1 can (15 oz) black beans
  • 1/2 cup Pure Maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup Bobs Red Mill Pastry Flour or a gluten free flour
  • 1/2 cup egg whites
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
  • 2 tbsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 6 tbsp mini semisweet chocolate chips--I use sunspire


Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly coat a 8x8 baking dish with unrefined organic coconut oil. In a food processor or high powered blender (I use my vitamix), mix all brownie ingredients (except chips) together. Chop on high, until smooth. Clean off sides and blend for another 20 seconds. Add the chips and stir well. Spread into the 8x8 baking dish. Bake for 20 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean. Cool for about 1 hour at room temperature.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme, My Journey

Name:  Jen Zakaras
#21dayfix #21dayfixextreme #beachbody #mealplanning #transformation #journal

Give me a short paragraph about yourself:  I am a loan officer, mom of 7 year old girl and 10 year old boy… I am a EEK “Dance Mom” … I have lost 30 pounds so far with Beachbody programs since Sep 2013 … I tend to lose 10 and stay the same ---- I have endometriosis so I can be off a week of the month but I never really fall to old habits.  I did have some steroid/adrenal issues last summer that caused me to gain 10 pounds so I’ve lost 40 because I lost 10 again with insanity :0) I just have to be really strict to lose weight.  I love working out/eating healthy and have done so since 1997.  I used to be a little body builder girl before I got married and had kids but have struggled with weight my entire life.
Why are you doing the 21 Day Fix (Extreme) Group?  It’s time to stop the “lifestyle” method and go hard core.  Do it til it’s gone … and I need this right now, I’m ready!  I’ve done slow and steady and YES made a TON of changes but it’s time to make a HUGE change in a short period of time.  I need it.  As a coach I need it too.  Seeing myself in a few pictures…. Was eye opening.  It’s like, wow.. in my mirror I didn’t look that bad!  Why do I look so different in real life?  It’s motivating for sure and I want to look like what my personality is on the inside.  I was able to meet Shaun T recently and I had a great time but would have had SO much more fun if I wasn’t the only overweight person there.  I wanted to scream “but you don’t know what I’ve accomplished”  you don’t know how I love to do insanity and I am the one kicking everyone else in the booty to do it!  It’s hard looking so different than how you feel.
Choose a goal to reach one week from your start date:  My goal is to follow the program exactly and that’s it.  I found if I make weight goals that doesn’t work for me because sometimes my body loses tons of inches and not weight and other times it’s weight I lose and either way it’s a success if I did what I was supposed to.  Specifically I also want to journal all my food and put it on my like page which I haven’t shared to the public yet J
What is your week 2 goal:  stick with it with the same intensity as week one.  Have a complete calendar and meal plan in place and purchased and prepared by Sunday.  Workouts scheduled.
What is your week 3 goal:  After 21 days I am hoping I have lost at least 10 pounds.  I’m not sure what that brings me to because today my weigh in was 5 pounds more because I am having my cycle and endo this month so I had to take medicine that messes with my body and makes me gain temporary weight.  I also want to follow the countdown to competition plan the last week.
What is your week 4 goal: Start another round and not allow extra’s. I want two successful rounds.  I am going to have one date night/cheat in between rounds so I have something to look forward to.
What is the biggest challenge for you and why do you want to do this challenge?

My biggest challenge is too much going on at once and stress.  I like to eat healthy and work out….. it’s fun for me.  Between coaching and my full time job I get overwhelmed with everything I should be doing.  I need to keep this most important.  Also just not ever having wine etc.  I don’t drink a ton but I like to have that to look forward to on weekends but I know it’s what keeps me the same weight.  I lost 10 pounds the first month of Insanity and I didn’t’ even want wine anymore and then the holidays and my birthday etc came and slowly came back.  I liked that empowering feeling.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What a Difference a Year Makes--- My Weight Loss changes with Beachbody Programs

21dayfix, chaleneextreme, insanitymax30, insanity, transformation, weightloss, beachbodyprograms clean eating

Ahhhhh Cafe Americano...... Thank you to the HUBBY... So in light of my shirt feeling like a dress yesterday I decided to look back at the last year and see if I really made that many changes... sometimes as you're working hard each day through life's up and downs you can forget what you accomplish in the day to day.... The Compound Effect over time.
I still get tears in my eyes.... Still am SO thankful for the amazing results you get when you don't leave anything out!
Yes we need to eat healthy, yes we need to exercise.... but how many of us know that already? I'm guessing everyone... IT'S DOING IT that is the REAL LIFE STRUGGLE!
SO THIS is the MAGIC... This is where it's at...... This is what makes a difference... Someone to encourage you.... Accountability with others.... Posting each day what my day was like good or bad in a private group, sharing the struggles and joys. Advice when needed... Education and fun for Delicious easy food to eat, and workouts done in less than 30 minutes a day that are MORE effective than the hours I've spent at the gym since 1998. Nowhere to drive, no excuses.. Just PUSHING PLAY! And on the days I don't want to? I have an ENTIRE group that does want to! I don't know HOW many times just seeing one post made me pop that DVD in before I could think twice, or say NO to the temptations of mindless eating that just makes you miserable.
I am truly thankful for not only the changes in my appearance and how I feel but my health changes as well.... and THIS is why I am so passionate about it! Because NO WHERE ELSE gets it ALL Right! I've DONE IT ALL!
Personal trainers, weight watchers, nutritionist at the Dr.... but THIS is the secret... NO MAGIC PILL...
But ME, your coach, believing in you... along with a group of people that you will MISS when you have a bad time.. and WILL come back.
I'm Thankful so much for everyone's support of my journey and my Dreams of helping others never feel small.... or alone like I felt last year, not wanting to leave my house embarrassed at how I looked and felt. This is why I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON YOU!
It's time to start thinking of what you want your year to look like, what do YOU want for your life in Dec of 2015? If you would like to lose weight, improve your health talk to me about how I can help!
OR maybe YOU have a passion for helping others in the area of health or fitness---even if you have to learn how.... and would like to join my Team in encouraging people while working on your journey at the same time and making a little extra money..... Message me and I would LOVE to support you and answer questions!
What a wonderful reflection of a year that had some really hard times.... but a blessing through it all!