Friday, December 5, 2014

No Excuses--- Healthy Lifestyle=Prevent Disease

#notordinary #maxinsanity30 #shaunt #preventdisease #healthylifestyle #emotionalthoughts #cleaneating #Insanity #Modification #maxout
I almost didn't post this... but with a few tears I feel like i have to. It's why I have a mission... why I am crazy passionate about being a Processed Free Facilitator and a Coach. 
I woke up today a mix of TOTALLY excited for INSANITY DAY and also Frustration.... 
Couldn't sleep for a bit thinking of someone I love with some imminent health concerns that could get better. Wanting SO much some of the stress to stop for them and also....
I WISH they would take the opportunity to try a healthy lifestyle.... or try to understand it at least. Things taste Better, you feel better and in this case you won't Die! I also wish most sick people didn't have an Accomplice... You know what I'm talking about? The mate or person in their life that not boldly but in small ways really doesn't want them to change their lifestyle and aids in the process of destruction. 
Real foods.... Healthy Foods... You can make ALMOST anything amazing!
Today I am thinking about two TOTALLY different kinds of people here.....
1. The people that are scared to try Insanity Max 30 but secretly wish you Could and no it's not for everyone... but for many more than you think!
2. Are you someone who can't breathe? Feels tired? Feels like you are TOO old to change, to feel ok or have given up, think you've lived your lot--- or maybe not older but think this is how I was born and I'm stuck this way? 
that is NOT true! You ABSOLUTELY can change the way you feel! No matter WHAT shape you are in and who you are... for some it's about the Small Baby Steps but TRUST ME... Baby steps start changing your cells and how you feel IMMEDIATELY!!!! 
Anyone can start very small, like add fresh vegetables to two meals a day. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day. I drink 16! 
**THIS IS NOT A JUDGEMENT ON ANYONE AND SOME THINGS WE CANNOT CONTROL... THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEAN, Trust me.. I've been THERE! Or somethings we can learn we can control now.. if we didn't know before!
We've all been there, It's not about being perfect... but it's just about realizing YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU THAT WANTS YOU TO LOVE YOURSELF SO YOU CAN BE HERE WITH THEM! Watching a swift decline in health of a loved one is HARD... especially when it's unfortunate circumstance. Some is stress from the outside world... but setting the stage with a healthy lifestyle Does allow you to process stress better than not. Steroids took away my ability to handle stress and it was SO destructive! If you can find a way to handle stress better, DO it!
Now If you HAVE already been working on a healthy life style but are in a rut... and scared to try something like Insanity.. or anything else. Now is the time to think--- WOW... Maybe I COULD do that? SOOO many people that started with Insanity a few years ago looked like someone that never should be trying it... but they took it Day by Day, mod by mod.. Max by Max and Pushed through! Be BOLD today! Take control of your CIRCUMSTANCE!!!! 
I will NEVER forget a few years ago when I finished the Insanity Test.. and rocked it--- I literally Bawled. I didn't believe I could but was Determined!
With that I better get my butt out of the office and go workout......‪#‎youareloved‬ ‪#‎youareworthit‬ ‪#‎makeithappen‬ ‪#‎nevergiveup‬

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