Sunday, September 7, 2014

Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed Peppers


1 lb ground chicken
4 peppers, I prefer red 
1 bag of seeds of change quinoa and brown rice (microwave for 90 seconds, found at whole foods or costco)
14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes no salt 
Tablespoon of coconut oil
1 onion diced
2 cloves garlic diced 
Salt and pepper
Cayenne pepper (optional)
Parmesan cheese - tablespoon 

Preheat oven to 350

Prepare peppers by cutting tops off and clean out insides and put aside. 
Brown chicken in skillet in a tablespoon of coconut oil. Once brown, drain if necessary but leave a little oil. Add diced onions and cook together until onions are soft. Add in garlic and sauté all together. Add salt and pepper and cayenne to taste. Add cooked quinoa to chicken mixture then add diced tomatoes, oregano and basil. Stir together while on heat and then add in Parmesan cheese. 

Stuff peppers with mixture and put in a baking dish with a little water in bottom and cover with foil. Cook at 350 for about 45 minutes depending on how large the peppers are. Take foil off after 35 minutes to let brown a little.

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