Saturday, December 14, 2013

Victory this morning!!!

Remember the scale doesn't always tell you the truth this is way more fun--my weight has been going down but muscle really burns fat! On top of it each day the last two days someone has told me wow look at those legs and yesterday what are you doing? ️ and I tried on an outfit I didn't think I could wear for my Christmas party tonight and it looks awesome and feels amazing! Yayy! I've had fun times I've not been perfect and it just shows that consistency not perfection will bring results and this is real life stuff!! No fad diets here!
The magic of pulling a jacket out that hasn't looked nice in years, Telling yourself it will probably still not look ok, and it fits! all I've wanted since My surgeries is to just throw on a jacket and feel like myself. I know I have a long ways to go but it's so fun to feel like me! The scale would tell me that this shouldn't fit ----but muscle burns fat baby!!!!

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