Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Let's Do This!



So excited for this!  Who can benefit from this workout?

 First of all, EVERY participant but one in the PRE Test group lost at least 10% body fat!

1.  You consistently struggle to find the right workout that works for you and your lifestyle.
2.  Anyone short on time-Hello-30 minutes
3.  You would like a support system to motivate you/even when you don't want to.
4.  You have the will power but want to have a challenge and group to hold you accountable (me---Challenge Groups ROCK) 
5.  Tired of thinking up your own stuff at the gym (this was me, I'm SO glad I brought it home)--which brings me to
6.  I drove to the gym and back and spent an hour and half there, stressed out about not seeing my kids so didn't always go... with my beachbody workouts?  I'm done before they WAKE UP! AMAZING results from JUST PUSHING PLAY! 

 Join our test group, Starts Jan 6--pregame Dec 30th.  Challenge packs need to be ordered soon-- Message me for details, we will give you ALL the tools you need to succeed---

EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN MEAN!  Trust me, If I can do it.. SO CAN YOU!  

 I heard something this weekend I loved... Instead of saying why me?  Why do these things (negative things) always happen to me?  Say WHY NOT ME?  Why can't these positive things happen to me?  What can I do to make them happen? 

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