Sunday, December 29, 2013

Are you a goal person?

 I certainly am in my head, but then my stomach flutters and I get a little nervous.  I guess you would say I'm one of those people that is afraid I might fail.  I might even say I don’t believe I could succeed?  So my style is to JUMP in and go crazy, not sure what I'll hit but hope I get somewhere.  I realize this isn't the most productive way of achieving things, often it works for me because I work hard and don’t give myself time to think of failing. 
In my mortgage business I am "success by accident".  Yes I work very hard, my mom always said, if you are working hard and treat  people right the paychecks usually come.  Don't give yourself time to worry about the money.  With the ups and downs of being paid all commissions looking back I've been blessed.  I treat people how I want to be treated, truly care about the end result for my customers, see them as people, and always tell the truth and communicate with them.  That's not meant to be a brag post but it's how I've run my business.  My customers come from referrals.  However as much as I would like to say " I will do this per month etc."  That's hard for me.  I just know when I'm slow to get out and do something about it. 

One of my favorite things I have learned from my challenge groups and being a Beachbody coach is that Goals are not scary.  They are something to shoot for, but they are changeable.  I 've always thought if you made a goal and then you didn't meet it you were a failure.  You didn’t make the grade.  You weren’t good enough.  That is not true.  The goals I make for myself this year today are a plan for me, but that doesn't mean life may not change and my goals may need to be reevaluated.  However it is sure fun to see people reach their goals and even surpass them!  For the first time I feel like I can have goals, and it's exciting!  I know this is what I want to accomplish, but it takes away the fear to know it's ok if they don't occur as long as I did my best.  The important thing is I took the risk to have a goal, put myself out there.  Without something to shoot for life definitely will not change, but with it, I just might achieve my Dreams!

I am very close to meeting a goal I have made for my Beachbody business.  I initially was stressed out about this once I confidently put it out there to my coach.  Then I realized that although that is my goal, my first goal of helping people is always the main priority.  So if it doesn't happen but I did what I could to help those who needed me and provide opportunity, then I still met my goal.  It's sure fun to try though!  How about you?  Do you have any goals you want to put on your dream board this year? 
Would you like to be part of a challenge group that helps you with not only your goals, your whys of doing something, but eating clean, getting healthier and overall feeling better about yourself?  Our challenge groups have amazing results in helping people look better, but I have seen SO many more results that inspire me from people changing health problems in 30 days to emotional changes.  Every time I think I'm crazy posting goofy pictures of my journey, I read another life touched  by the willingness someone had to go out of their comfort zone.  It's time to do it!  You can spend the rest of your life safely attached to the place you are, but the risk of putting yourself out there is so much more worth living! 

What do you have to lose?  
Join us January 6!  
Message me on facebook or email me for details...  

I am here to provide information and when you are ready---I'm here!  

Thursday, December 26, 2013



When is the best time to workout?  Anytime!  However I have really found that if I do not get it done in the morning way too many things can get in my way!  With our busy schedules and demands on our time it is THE most amazing feeling to say, wow--- that's done and I don't have to worry about it!  It really helps the procrastinator in you realize the power of positive choices.  You feel empowered all Day!  

Today I was fighting the Holiday Blues.... feeling icky after letting some treats in over the past week and a half.  I woke up, determined to feel better!  However as much as I was excited to workout the voices in my head kept feeding me every excuse in the book.  Maybe I'll just go to the gym and do Cardio, maybe I'll this, maybe I"ll that, My knees hurt, blah blah blah.  Once I pushed play I was STILL saying these things during my warm up.  But Guess What?  Once 39 minutes was 36 I was like.. well hey, if you save this until later you have 3 more minutes to do again!  I continued without looking back, did my best, journaled my workouts and Checked OFF my box! Today was my first workout of Lean 2 in Chalene Extreme and it was hard!  But awesome!  The fact that it was back and shoulders makes me excited... to see those results!  Who doesn't want to  have amazing back and shoulders?  Posture?  Hold those shoulders High!

If you are not a morning person It's OK!  Try it for a few days!  Make a routine, and after 3 to 4 days it will get easier! A tip that I do each morning is drink my lemon water and green tea before my workout!  It's so good for you and you will notice a change in your body the first day!

This is my morning routine and really helps with getting me up and ready to work out -done before sun!  Sipping my green tea is also a great time for My quiet time or personal development, then I'm ready to go!  I use the stove for my water because I don't use microwaves!  Way more nutrients the same amount of time--I put my water to boil while I prepare the rest.  I stop it right before boiling point and pour into my lemon mixture. Then I go brush my teeth while the tea sits for 5 minutes.  Why?? Because lemon juice erodes the enamel on your teeth!  Brush before! Plus you have fresh breath for your workout, wakes you up! 
Follow me for more tips to energize your body!  

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Victory this morning!!!

Remember the scale doesn't always tell you the truth this is way more fun--my weight has been going down but muscle really burns fat! On top of it each day the last two days someone has told me wow look at those legs and yesterday what are you doing? ️ and I tried on an outfit I didn't think I could wear for my Christmas party tonight and it looks awesome and feels amazing! Yayy! I've had fun times I've not been perfect and it just shows that consistency not perfection will bring results and this is real life stuff!! No fad diets here!
The magic of pulling a jacket out that hasn't looked nice in years, Telling yourself it will probably still not look ok, and it fits! all I've wanted since My surgeries is to just throw on a jacket and feel like myself. I know I have a long ways to go but it's so fun to feel like me! The scale would tell me that this shouldn't fit ----but muscle burns fat baby!!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Get Fit Get Spunky: Adversity, You've Got This!: True Story:  Starbucks Addiction and ShakeologyT...

Get Fit Get Spunky: Adversity, You've Got This!:

True Story:  Starbucks Addiction and ShakeologyT...
: T rue Story:   Starbucks Addiction and Shakeology This morning I was drinking my shakeology and feeling inspired, scrolling throu...

True Story:  

Starbucks Addiction and Shakeology

This morning I was drinking my shakeology and feeling inspired, scrolling through my challenge group posts.  Kelli's post popped up in my Holiday Survival Challenge Group--The word Starbucks of course caught my attention, as a former addict myself.  

Come to think of it, I have not craved or wanted Starbucks since starting Shakeology.  If we go it is of necessity for a place to hang because we drive a lot.  I get green tea, no water, no sweetener.  Breaking this old habit alone pays for my shakeology every month.  There is a cozy store right by my house, I love the girls there.  They are like friends.  It was truly an issue for me.  I was addicted to the people and the hot drink.  Looking back after reading this post I realize that's when I quit wanting to go.  When I started my first Challenge Group and my daily Shakeology. I no longer cared or desired it.  I too did not stop on purpose.  There are healthy choices I make there.  Shakeology cured my craving for the beverage and my craving for friendship was met with my challenge group.  This is huge!  We still go because we drive a lot and often need a place to stop because we can't go home.  It is fewer and far between, only out of necessity.

   I am no longer even slightly tempted for a latte.  For those of you that know me, this is HUGE!   

Post From Kelli:

So here is a true story- 

 I am a recovering Starbucks addict. I was going there 3 times per week for probably about the last year for a drink (Chai) and a breakfast sandwich. I attempted to give it up for awhile, but finally just accepted that I was an addict, lol. I was probably spending about $60 per month at Starbucks. I started Shakeology in mid November as part of a Challenge pack with T25. I am 15 weeks pregnant, so there were days I didn't get Shakeology in with my morning sickness, but even having Shakeology 3-4 times per week, my Starbucks addiction has vanished. I have been there twice since starting Shakeology a month ago, and one of those times, I really didn't enjoy it. I haven't had the urge to go (the two times I went were out of habit and convenience), and really am not missing it. My mornings are now filled with either Shakeology or a clean breakfast that I look forward to. I really was skeptical of Shakology and didn't even really try to give up Starbucks for the last few months, so I am really amazed as this result..

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Let's Do This!



So excited for this!  Who can benefit from this workout?

 First of all, EVERY participant but one in the PRE Test group lost at least 10% body fat!

1.  You consistently struggle to find the right workout that works for you and your lifestyle.
2.  Anyone short on time-Hello-30 minutes
3.  You would like a support system to motivate you/even when you don't want to.
4.  You have the will power but want to have a challenge and group to hold you accountable (me---Challenge Groups ROCK) 
5.  Tired of thinking up your own stuff at the gym (this was me, I'm SO glad I brought it home)--which brings me to
6.  I drove to the gym and back and spent an hour and half there, stressed out about not seeing my kids so didn't always go... with my beachbody workouts?  I'm done before they WAKE UP! AMAZING results from JUST PUSHING PLAY! 

 Join our test group, Starts Jan 6--pregame Dec 30th.  Challenge packs need to be ordered soon-- Message me for details, we will give you ALL the tools you need to succeed---

EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN MEAN!  Trust me, If I can do it.. SO CAN YOU!  

 I heard something this weekend I loved... Instead of saying why me?  Why do these things (negative things) always happen to me?  Say WHY NOT ME?  Why can't these positive things happen to me?  What can I do to make them happen? 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Shakeology Shaker Cup Review

I have to say something about this amazing shaker cup! 
 I have had many over the years and wanted to like them but always reverted back to my Starbucks cups or my water bottles---The shakers always have a funny smell, even after washing and just yuck! Recently I had some medical issues that really could've been contributed from the BPA I realized I drink all day---as I was in the market for a BPA f...ree cup I decided to give this a try on Black Friday, thinking it would wind up in the stash of all my other shaker cups. Not the case! Not only is this BPA free --it does not smell--my water tastes amazing, The grip is not of obnoxious--and they did something amazing with the spout because I don't spill all over myself and it goes down quite smooth! Seriously this is so cheap compared to what you can get at a target or a store and it's amazing!