Monday, October 27, 2014

Clean Eating Pancakes-Choc Chip Banana :) 21 Day Fix and Kid approved!

#cleaneatingrecipes #breakfast #healthypancakes #21dayfixapproved #healthykidbreakfast #healthykidpancakes #chocolatechippancakes
These are my Favorite Pancakes and my families too!  You can make any version you want!  We usually make Banana but today I threw in a little surprise!
Choc Chip Banana Pancakes... Yep, you got that right --- they were DEVOURED!
**Just a momma hint... they loved them with just the banana too so maybe get them used to just the fruit first so you don't have to put the choc in EVERY Time!

These babies are QUICK and DELICIOUS :)

Bob's Red Mill Pastry Flour 1 cup
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 teas baking powder (Aluminum free)

Wet Ingredients:
1 cup of organic milk or almond or coconut.  I used 1/3 cup Thai lite coconut concentrate and added water to make a cup.
1/2 cup plain yogurt (I use trader joes organic greek)
1 organic egg
1 teas vanilla

Organic unrefined coconut oil to cook them in

Get out two mixing bowls.. mix dry and wet separately... then add together and stir until mixed but not overly so.  Then add whatever fun you want!

My usual is two banana's cut in little pieces.. add stir

This time I did one banana and 1/4 cup sunspire choc chips!  So nummy!

Blueberries would be amazing, I would use half a cup small frozen and see if that is enough.. my son won't eat blueberries so we usually have them fresh on the side when in season.  We also have strawberries on the side and top with organic 100% grade B maple syrup.. SO good!

Heat up your skillet to med/med/low (do not let them get black or over burnt, that is not healthy) and melt the coconut oil.  Put a half a cup scoop in the pan and watch until it bubbles, flip and cook until done and continue.  I usually put a small new dab of coconut oil before each pancake.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Encouragement during the hard times......

#endometriosis #P90 #21dayfix #chronicillness #migraines #healthylifestyle
I just want to encourage all of you out there that my have an injury, chronic illness, migraines, or anything that challenges you. 

I truly understand it makes it hard to be real, be out there... Most people don't know but a few of my closer friends but this past year I have realized I have endometriosis. This is something that comes on and you never know when... for example last Thursday in the middle of the night. The pain is so great you can't sit, stand or walk... and that is even on heavy painkillers.... you honestly feel like someone is stabbing you with a knife. Continuously, without fail..... so how does this make me feel as someone who loves to workout, eat healthy and is truly enjoying helping others do the same???

Emotionally it can be hard. You feel like a bad example, worthless to your family.. and most of all you feel like you can't really talk about it because you don't want to be "that" person... no one wants to hear about it right? 

Those are LIES... your VALUE is just as much. So here is the thing....whatever you may be struggling with..... there is usually a time of good... when it goes away and you feel free. In THOSE moments you can be yourself.. in THOSE moments you feel such joy to just feel pain free, normal... What I want to encourage you to do is think of your health as a wave in the ocean, much like life. With ups and downs. Yes.. you may have more to overcome then a person who needs to make a decision and do it, sometimes you're simply not capable.. and I UNDERSTAND that! However... IF you don't give up... continue the fight, to make the MOST out of each and every day. Those weeks you feel good.... THEY will bring PROGRESS, and the weeks you don't.. yes. You may stay the same, or have some set backs. But without giving up the waves of up and down will eventually find you meeting your goal. If your goal is losing weight, 5 pounds one week and staying the same the next is STILL 5 pounds! 

EVERY bit of exercise you can do to the best of your ability one week benefits you. This past week I had my awful moments.. and I've had the moments where the medicine was working enough, enough to workout. It was motivating in a way because I knew if I waited too long the opportunity may not be there later.. so yes, I've done it Sat, Mon, Wed... but that is 3x more than many people do in a week! 

I know it's easy to just want to feel normal, pain free and able like so many others. I sometimes feel so small because my will is there and I AM DRIVEN, I am told I am a GREAT COACH!  This is hard for me to say, I don't want to sound arrogant but it's for a purpose... it's to say that these lies we believe are negative and we need to push them away and understand we have a story, a story someone needs to hear!  It doesn't matter if we are not perfect, or our progress takes time.  Who is inspired by perfection?  Who's live is REALLY like that?  What matters is you don't throw in the continue to look up, even through the struggles and do the best you can.

Don't compare....Don't feel less than and don't give in to your circumstances. Try to make the most of the moments you have that can be REALLY GOOD. Remember 80% of health is what you eat. As time passes you are STILL growing as a person and living the healthiest version of YOU! 

Message me if you would like encouragement.... I really have a heart for you, whether it's just a listening ear or you would like me to come along side and help you with your achieve your health goals.  I do not want anyone to feel small and alone. Thanks for listening..... Hugs