Sunday, January 26, 2014

T25, Health and Adversity, This brought me TEARS!

This brought TEARS to my eyes and is truly AMAZING! I still can't believe that in 9 25 13 she had brain surgery and by December achieved this with ONE round, 10 weeks, of T25 and Shakeology (superfoods).

I often hear from people that they don't have time to workout. Well here is a busy mom who too had little time for herself but with a 25 minute workout she made it happen. Talk about Adversity! Wow!

"My biggest challenge was my busy schedule. I am a single mom attending nursing school, and I had a hard time trying to fit in time to work out and prepare healthy meals. But 25 minutes a day with Focus T25 is totally doable. I am now able to go outside and play with my kid without getting tired, which is my favorite part. Now I have him chasing me, telling me to slow down." - Heather S.

Another key component for Heather's success was being a part of a challenge group. These groups help you push through the obstacles and encourage you when you need it most!!

What is even better than hearing about other's successes, is that You can do it too! Sometimes we need that extra motivation and support to finish or even get started. This is where I come in - in my health and fitness groups I can help you begin your very own success story. Jan 27th my next group begins - will you be joining?

Contact me at for more information or to hold your spot in my next group!!

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