Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Take your before Pictures!

I can't stress the "before" pictures enough! 3 weeks into Chalene Extreme I was having a bad day and thought, ok... I've lost 8 pounds right now but am I really that different? So I took my picture for the heck of it and was absolutely stunned at the difference. The scale told me 8 pounds but the pictures shocked the heck out of me! 8 pounds doesn't sound like much but it was a BIG difference! Without my photos I wouldn't have my proof! The before photo IS your inspiration 3-4 weeks down the road and your fuel to not give up! I ended up losing a few more and then during Christmas my goal was to stay the same, and now it's that before and after that keeps me inspired to keep going! 

Here is another challenger comment from my Holiday Survival Challenge Group, and this was OVER Christmas!:
"So, I was really putting off the 30 day pictures because I didn't feel like enough was happening, but yesterday I did it and am really surprised by the comparison! I didn't think I would post my before pics EVER but I actually feel proud of what I have accomplished in such a short time! So... here it goes! This is my before and "now", because I still have farther to go on this journey, but I feel encouraged! Thanks Melanie Mitro and everyone in the group because you doing your part helps to keep me focused!"
They make ALL the difference!

All my challengers make sure and really do it! You can keep it to yourself but get it done...!!! you'll be SO glad you did! Just when 2-3 weeks down the road you need a kick in the pants, the nightmare of the "before" will be a gift to yourself, the gift of inspiration! Or like me, absolute Shock 

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