Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Mindset What is Important vs Urgency? Time Management tip for Monday Mindset!

Good Morning!  IT's GORGEOUS out :)  OH My GOODNESS !!  I saw this yesterday and had to read it TWICE!  YES..... This is EXACTLY it, So many times I end up just doing what needs to be done and not having time for anything else... instead of focusing on what is REALLY IMPORTANT!  SO again I had to read that twice because what is urgent IS what is really important right?  Not always!  But this is SO hard for me!  I am the type of person where the SECOND i get a call, or an email or I know about something I take care of it... THAT SECOND!  I can't rest, I need it done... I find it SO hard to save a time frame for things because want to "get it done".  Yet sometimes what happens is I end up spending my day only working on present activities and not working on the future..... anyone with me here?  

Another thing that came to mind is in eating healthy, working out, time with God we always say, I got busy---- and this is EXACTLY the idea.... so is sacrificing your current health that will have a future impact on you and your family worth what you gave it up for that might be temporary and in the moment?  Is everything you have in your schedule absolutely more important than some quiet time to restore your soul, 30 minutes of exercise and making sure you feed your body proper nutrition?  Are you letting everything else pull the strings in your life and run you around like a car buzzing on low fuel?  

SO my focus this week is to yes, still be me and always respond ASAP to any and all things... but yet set aside time to not be interrupted and focus on planning and the future, it can wait 30 minutes!!

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