Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Meal Plan Example; 21 Day Fix-- Do I look Hungry?

I was up Sunday Morning after my night out completely not in the mood to do this but guess what?  It has to get done, otherwise I don't have a start date!  It's always nice to know Monday is a day to begin anew.. rekindle the fire and go for it!  I know after a night out it would be tempting to let it go.... return to the old me and just relax, but I told myself... this only takes 20 minutes!  I am on the 21 day fix round 2 and am loving the progress so the results are truly motivating!  

I'm a fly by the seat of my pants person myself so I get that meal planning is not a favorite.  What I have found though is if I take the time to at least make a plan and have the food... even if I have to switch it around when life gets crazy, which it will--- I still succeed!  I try to have the food shopped for but even if I don't have time for all that on a particular weekend, I always make sure I have the next 2-3 days and nights covered so I am not forced to eat out.  Then I think in my head of my schedule and think at least there is such and such day or time I can stop by the store again.  I also tend to be a creature of habit during the day to make it a little easier for me.  I vary the meals each night so my family doesn't go bonkers... and typically we end up with a leftover night in there somewhere.

I namely shop Trader Joe's and Sprouts, a farmers market here in Arizona weekly , Costco biweekly.  I occasionally go to Whole Foods for a few things I pick up there.  I'm not sure what type of grocery stores you have available in your area but this is the type of information we discuss in our challenge groups.  This is the menu I shared for my group this week.  We all interact and share information and what works for us, help you find the right products, and help it work in your busy schedule!  We are all busy and last time I checked modern society wasn't going to slow down any time soon!

I want to challenge you to take this 20 minutes to at least make a plan, if that's all you get done initially fine.  I guarantee even that small step will make changes in your week, help you consciously have to THINK about a what you are doing and not be forced to grab takeout, eat out or eat something unhealthy because of the time factor.  This is a passion of mine because I have been eating clean for a long time but "time" always derailed my progress.  The unexpected and unprepared event that we know happens, so plan for it ahead of time!  I'm not a planner but these are the small steps I have made to make those big differences over time.  We no longer eat out unless planned, we eat healthy and I am constantly changing up my plan, but it's there and it works!

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