Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chicken Fingers and Fries, HEALTHY QUICK DELICIOUS- 21 Day Fixed Approved Recipe! MOM, KID, AND HUBBY APPROVED!

Chicken Fingers and Sweet Potato Fries w Asparagas
21 Day Fix APPROVED!

This is my addiction!  We usually have it twice a week!  It's SOOO good and SOO healthy and KID APPROVED!  They gobble it down!  Here is the recipe:
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time:  45 min total
21 DAY FIX CONTAINERS:  1 Red 2 yellow 1 green 1/3 blue
PRE HEAT OVEN TO 400 Degrees
Sweet Potato Fries
UnRefined Organic Coconut oil 2 TBSN
2 pounds Sweet Potatoes
1 teas Black Pepper and 1 teas Himalayan Sea Salt
Cayenne Pepper for flavor and spice, please note... if you don't like spicy skip it or use chili powder instead
Cut up the fries like so :
Toss in the Coconut Oil and seasonings, mix well

I put a little coconut oil on a pan as well and spread them out on the pan after seasoned :
Bake for 40-45 minutes, we like them a bit crispy :)

Chicken Fingers:

1 pound or a little over of chicken.. this was 1.33 (now we like to make 2 pounds to have leftovers)

I like to buy the tenders so I don't have to cut them up but if you buy regular chicken cut into tenders. Put 3 egg whites in a bowl and make the bread crumbs.  The amount of bread crumbs below is for around 1 pound or a little over so double if doing 2 pounds or over.
Bread crumbs:   
1/4 cup fresh parmesan cheese
4 slices ezekial bread toasted, cooled and ripped up
Seasonings... I sprinkle lots of Italian seasoning, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Onion Granules

Blend in a higher powered blender like a Vitamix or a food processor to make the crumbs.

Dip the chicken in the egg white, then the bread crumbs and place in a glass dish and again I rub a little coconut oil on the dish to prevent sticking and create a nummy crisp.  It's a way to get my daily portion in ;)

Bake in the oven with the sweet potatoes for 30-35 minutes again depending on how crispy you would like!

Finished!   Add some steamed asparagus or green beans and VOILA!


  1. How many chicken tenders equal a red and how is it two yellows

  2. Brittany I am SO sorry for the slow response... somehow I missed your comment, I realized it was going to the wrong email address! Thank you for asking! I do about 3-4 oz of chicken tenders... I usually have 4 for a red and you make the tenders with ezekial bread so that is one and the sweet potato fries are the other :) Those I just grab a handful because it's hard to know what fits in a yellow and I know a handful in your hand is also a serving! Let me know if you have any other questions!! Thanks.. Jen
