Tuesday, February 18, 2014

21 Day Fix Week 1

21 Day Fix Update:
Turbo Kicking ALLL over the house today! "Who's house, my house, who's house my house, who's in my house?" 
Fix Update: I told you I was excited on Friday! Since Monday on the fix, not quite an entire week...... a week in which I have had so much food to eat that I didn't always eat it all, a week in which I exercised only 30 minutes a day and had to pause the video a few times.... yet sometimes wondering if it was working because some days I didn't sweat.....ie: pilates....a week I had valentines night wine....and a little dessert. I had to do my inches today just for fun, because I decided inches were going to be my #1 measure tool....So here it goes:
Since Monday:
1.25 inches lost in my chest
1.5 inches lost in my waist
3/4 inches lost in my hips
5 pounds lost
Yes, I had Tim measure again to make sure... and I was already eating healthy and working out before! I am sleeping AMAZING! This is a really notable difference that surprised me! I can think of some very specific times the fix helped me....it not only helped me eat what I needed to (sometimes I don't eat enough) but it also helped me make decisions I wouldn't have made. It also helps me make sure my nut/seed portions are not too much for the day but yet ensures I get my healthy fats in. Tuesday I had one meal packed but should have had two because I came home hungry and needed to eat... before I would have grabbed an apple or something healthy that was quick... instead I made a choice to make grilled veggies because I wanted to save those things for something later. Loving this Program! And I've measured everything for years.... this just really helps you focus on your nutrition at a deeper level in an easy way! Tim Zakaras also lost 4 pounds since Monday doing his T25---and a byproduct of my fix of course

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